Are you bewildered by your jewelry? Losing out on profits because you cannot discern its worth? Finding it difficult to investigate the origin of your inherited jewelry? Struggling to identify maker's marks?
Knowledge is key when it comes to selling, enjoying, or passing on jewelry. Our 30-minute Jewelry Identification Service is the key to that knowledge to make more informed decisions while enjoying or parting with your pieces. With our expertise, you'll be able to confidently navigate the "your" world of jewelry.
Do you sell jewelry? Do you live by this golden rule
- Never sell anything that you don't know what you have -
It's one of the most important statements you'll ever read and because of that, our service will pay for itself.
A service that's going to pay for itself?
It's a bold statement yet it only takes one piece that pays the fee.
Here are some things you'll know when we get done
- whether your unmarked brooch is actually Juliana
- your Trifari dress clip you'd like to list for $60 is actually a Trifari fur clip worth a $1000 or more
- you have unmarked or marked gold that you thought may have been costume
We will help with -
- dating your jewelry
- finding the origin of your jewelry
- identifying organic jewelry, shell Cameos, Coral carvings, Whitby Jet and others
- identifying or help to confirm or discount Phenolic plastic jewelry
- your unmarked Juliana or Schreiner that we can verify via online databases
- the aspects of metalwork in early 19c and 20c pieces, both fine and costume
- early Native American jewelry
- Mexican jewelry
- Asian jewelry
- Mediterranean jewelry
- the construction quality of your jewelry, antique to vintage
- testing procedures to follow if home testing
- recent sold prices for comparable jewelry
- confirming that your piece is simply an "unsigned beauty"
- platform and social media selling advice
- proper packing and shipping procedures
Things we don't do -
- buy your jewelry
- limit the amount of pieces that we can discus in the timeframes
- appraise your jewelry
- identify your gemstones, including pearls
- identify watches other than Art Deco ball and pendant watches
- identify modern jewelry, jewelry made in the last 25 years
- identify jewelry that is well known to be copied ie; Tiffany, Cartier, Rolex and others that may come up
We prefer to do the session via ZOOM meetings but how it happens is up to you. You can choose from -
- video chat via phone
- text messaging via Facebook or your carrier
- emails and pictures
We do ask that you have your jewelry, pictures and questions ready for the call and feel free to take plenty of notes during our discussions -
Shortly after paying for the session you'll be sent a link to pick your preferred date and time to call and the phone number you'll be calling.
You can also join us in an ever growing paid subscription Facebook group for continued education, knowledge and the identification of your beautiful vintage and antique jewelry. Our introductory offer on that group is $5 per month.
Worth mentioning - If all you have is jewelry that you've had in known facebook groups that couldn't help you and think we can, we may not be able to either. We're here to help with jewelry that you honestly don't know what you have.
From unknown jewelry found online to valuable family heirlooms, our Antique and Vintage Jewelry Identification Service can give you answers you can trust - all with complete online privacy. We never record or use any sessions for training, so you can trust your conversations stay with us. Invest 30 minutes in discovering the stories behind the jewelry you own!