About Saltiques.com
Hi, we're Dana & Hena (nice to meet you!) and we are the faces and warm-bodies behind the scenes here at saltiques.com -

We started Saltiques for the purpose of making and selling ocean and beach scenes from vintage reclaimed wood, ocean debris' and wildlife, ie; shells and corals. While looking for aged items to use we stumbled upon vintage jewelry. The subject intrigued us, 'vintage jewelry', decades old, well made, nothing like we see today. We decided to give that kind of exploration a try.
The subject made us happy and we figured if it did that for us, imagine what it could to for others that don't have the time to seek out pieces like ours!? We dove in and bought more, and....we sold more..... so we bought more....and by laws of life and business.....we sold even more.
All this happened so fast, that while buying huge amounts of vintage and costume jewelry, antique pieces started slipping in. 'Antique Jewelry'?, sounds interesting, it's a bit more expensive but it's sooooo educational. Every piece of antique jewelry has a story and you can find bits and pieces of it with the piece your holding and researching.
So you will see some very old jewelry within our ranks...and since we own the website, you may even find a piece or 2 of newer jewelry, although we'll try not to make a habit of it.
Through all this, we've amassed an inventory of thousandzzzzz of pieces! We work almost everyday getting more online for you to purchase for your own enjoyment. YOU HAVE to remember something though!!!! IN 9 out of 10 cases, we only have one everything, if you like it, buy it because it may be gone when you come back!
We visit flea markets, garage sales, estate sales, auctions, private sellers...you name it...we seek it out! We're like real-life treasure hunters!!! And that's what it feels like every time we go out searching...it's always very exciting and fun (especially that we get to do it together - yes, we like each other that much) ;-)